Sunday, March 4, 2018

Wish'n and Hope'n

I'm afraid that we have watered down HOPE by too often equating it with our WISHES. I'm a writer and I see words as having different dimensions to them. WISHES are very flat to me. Mere words on a piece of paper, in wish-list form. Words that have no true hope or love behind them. No change of heart. No change of posture in and through prayer. No promise. No relationship or conversation with God and God with us.

But HOPE is different! HOPE in prayer brings Love into the equation! HOPE splits our very hearts open-wide in prayer, both on our own behalf and on the behalf of others. It is impossible to HOPE in our prayers without Love ... love for ourselves in the knowledge that we are one of God's beloved children ... love for others who are also God's beloved ... and love for the One who listens carefully to our HOPES, who sends us out to become Christ's very hands in these HOPES, and who is completely faithful in Love.

And so, if I say that I "hope" something for you (yes, you, my blog followers .. and you who have stumble across these words), know that what I have hoped are not mere words to me. Please know that my hopes for you have been whispered to the One who is Love. My hopes for you are surrounded in love for you see, it can be no other way!

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