Saturday, February 5, 2011

"The Reminder"

(Please read Matthew 5:13)

"You are the salt of the earth,"
he said.
What curious words ...
what can he mean?

And then I remembered
the teachings of
my grandmother.
"Anna, always say
'Yes ma'am' and 'No sir.'
Say 'I enjoyed my supper;
may I be excused?'
Say 'Please pass the salt.' "

And now I understand
the curious words.
He is reminding me
to "Please pass the salt!"

(c) 2011 anna murdock

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Perfect Provision"

Too often,
I look to the heavens
for the decade’s
greatest snowstorm
of blessings ...
and pray
for an accumulation
in amounts that
are astounding.

Oh God,
thank you for my friend
who said,
“Look down
at the blessings
that have softly fallen
like manna
all around us….
fallen silently
like a dusting of snow,
to be gathered in amounts
of Perfect Provision
for this one day.


(c)2011 anna murdock