Wednesday, April 27, 2016

MY Peace I Give (John 14:27)

“MY Peace I give” …
the words are offered
as the peace
is given.
Only he
fully understands
what he has said.

“MY Peace I give to you.
MY Peace.
From Abba 
through me
to you,”
he whispers.
Hearts race
at the very thought
of this mysterious gift.

O Giver of Peace,
when an ounce
of faith
slips out from
broken-apart hearts,
you give your peace.
When you send us out
into uncertainties
with words to carry
of your Great Love,
you give your peace.

You lead us 
to the waters
of Shalom
and remind us
once more …
“MY Peace I give to you.
MY Peace.
From Abba 
through me
to you.”

Only you
 fully understand
yet it is ours
to fully receive.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

"Kingdom Words ... Kingdom Work" (ponderings on John 13:31-35)

He stands by our shorelines
and beckons, “Follow me” ….
nets are dropped,
first faith-steps are taken,
healings and teachings begin.

We sit in his presence
and whisper, “Lord, teach us” ….
we are taught to pray,
we are taught to live,
we are taught to forgive.

He proclaims, “I AM” …
the hungry hear “Bread of Life”,
the thirsty hear “Living Water”,
the lost hear “Good Shepherd.”

He utters, “It is finished” …
love flows from a cross 
and out from an empty tomb.
He looks our way
and we hear, “Go and tell others.”

He asks, “Do you love me?” ….
and waits for an answer.
He says, “Feed my lambs;
tend my sheep”
and hands us
his own servant’s towel.

Through his words,
he places upon us
his very reflection to wear …
“I give you a new commandment”, 
“just as I have loved you”,
“love one another”
 and “everyone will know
 you are my disciples.”

In his kingdom words,
in this new commandment
to love others
as he has loved us,
we become part
of kingdom work on earth.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Verbs of God for the People of God (ponderings on Psalm 23)

Our verbs are often
so weak, O God.
Lower case and weak 
and wayward ...
bleating and
baa’ing and
as we are
so apt to do.

But oh, how precious
to us are the verbs
of our Shepherd!
Upper case and strong
and loving! 

Yes, how precious to us
are your verbs, O God.
How sweet it is
to hear the voice 
of our Shepherd.
How beautiful it is,
this perfect melody
of our own psalm,
so lovingly composed
by you.

A Prayer for Pastors and Other Servants (which means each of us!)

Ever before me are these written words … "There is a mysterious connection between the hand that writes, the mind that thinks and the heart that sees." This was offered to me years ago by a
Cuban-refugee-turned-UMC-pastor (Rev. Alberto Rodriguez). Also, written under those words is Deuteronomy 30:14   "... the word is very near to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart for you to
observe."  And written inside of my Bible are the words, “Read daily for Grace, Guidance and Strength.”

I am a word person … a visual person. I want to be reminded of these things often and I pray that it might be so in my days.  But I also know that in your own ways, you are as well for you have been called to the Word and you pray that you might also "see".

"Oh God, open your servants' eyes and hearts to see you in their surroundings ... in fields and in cities, in crowds and alone, among the hungry and among the filled, in the quiet and in the noise, in your Word and in the world. Be with my friends as they step into their week.  Place within all a renewed desire to share what is seen.  Amen."

Prayers for each of you this day as you recognize that the word is very near to you.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Good Morning! Welcome to Breakfast!

This morning, we find ourselves with the disciples, with the warmth of the bonfire on our faces. We smell the aroma of bread and fish as we are welcomed to breakfast.

Yes, we have remembered our own goof-ups and misspoken words and suddenly realize that Jesus loves us through them, time and time again.  We have remembered denials and omissions, and have sensed this breakfast prepared on the edge of what is comfortable and familiar and safe to us (as it was to Peter) is Jesus' way of pursuing us in spite of such things.  We have heard, "Feed my lambs.  Tend my sheep. Feed my sheep" and "Do you love me?” and the tears have flowed.  After Jesus loving Peter (and us) through goof-ups, after pursuing Peter (and us) through denials and omissions, after raising a shamed head at a sunrise breakfast invitation and at the very place where Peter (and we) find it easy to climb back into a comfortable, safe and familiar box (or boat), Jesus gives great affirmation to what Peter is called to do as a disciple on earth … and gives great affirmation to us as well.   “Feed my lambs.  Tend my sheep.  Feed my sheep.”

Good morning!  Welcome to breakfast as Christ prepares it!

(Note:  The picture is that of my Great Grandfather Edgar Tuck Lazenby, Sr. and his sheep)

Monday, April 4, 2016

Breakfast Around a Bonfire

(Lectionary Scriptures for week / John 21:1-19)

When we put up our
“Gone Fishing” sign, 
you meet us
at the lakeshore
and point to
the school of fish.

When we can see only
a bonfire that flickers
with shameful memories,
you invite us
to join you for breakfast
around a new bonfire.

You raise our heads
and our hopes,
O Risen One,
so that our faces
might reflect
your Light.

When our last memories
of eye contact with you
are those of omission 
and denial,
you ask us to look
into your eyes
once more …
and there we see
love and forgiveness.

When we hunger
to be the disciples 
you have called us to be,
you hand us 
bread and fish
and affirm our calling.

And when we stammer
and struggle
with words of love
for you,
you help us
find the words.

O Resurrected One,
thank you 
for this breakfast
around a bonfire.


©2016    anna murdock