Monday, April 4, 2016

Breakfast Around a Bonfire

(Lectionary Scriptures for week / John 21:1-19)

When we put up our
“Gone Fishing” sign, 
you meet us
at the lakeshore
and point to
the school of fish.

When we can see only
a bonfire that flickers
with shameful memories,
you invite us
to join you for breakfast
around a new bonfire.

You raise our heads
and our hopes,
O Risen One,
so that our faces
might reflect
your Light.

When our last memories
of eye contact with you
are those of omission 
and denial,
you ask us to look
into your eyes
once more …
and there we see
love and forgiveness.

When we hunger
to be the disciples 
you have called us to be,
you hand us 
bread and fish
and affirm our calling.

And when we stammer
and struggle
with words of love
for you,
you help us
find the words.

O Resurrected One,
thank you 
for this breakfast
around a bonfire.


©2016    anna murdock

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