Thursday, October 24, 2019

"Hold a Mirror to My Heart, O God" (Psalm 19:14)

(Psalm 19:14 has been my screen saver on my laptop for years. It is one of my morning prayers ... it is ever before me and is my compass in the manner by which I share and write and speak)

May this prayer never become rote, O God …
mechanical in the way that I pray these words …
assuming that if I pray this bit of a Psalm
I might persuade you
that my words and my thoughts
are aligned with yours
(even when they are not).
Hold a mirror to my heart as I pray.

May this prayer never become cavalier, O God …
careless in the way that I pray these words …
never considering that I might have allowed
those around me to change
my heart and my words
that in no way resemble you….
that are neither pleasing nor acceptable
in your sight.
Hold a mirror to my heart as I pray.

May this prayer never be whispered
in a common manner, O God,
less these deeply personal words
become diluted.
Hold a mirror to my heart as I pray.

May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing AND acceptable
in your sight, O LORD,
my rock and my redeemer.


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