Monday, June 8, 2015

"The Thimble"

I had a lovely dream just before waking this morning. I was walking through gardens of lush greens and beautiful flowers when someone came to me and said, "I want to give you a gift. Let me go to my store and get it for you." I didn't recognize this person but for some reason, I had a handwritten inventory listing of the items that were in his store.

He came back to me and placed a silver thimble in my hand and said, "This is for you. I have wanted you to have it for a long time." He smiled, winked at me and left the gardens as quickly as he had appeared.

I looked at my unopened notebook with the value listings of each item in his store, wondering if I should take a peek at the value of this tiny gift. I hesitated, then finally gave in and opened the notebook. Item after item was listed, each one more valuable than the one before. I ran my finger down through the list, growing excited about how much this little thimble might be worth in dollar value. My eyes fell upon the words "silver thimble" and where its value should be there was nothing written. Nothing!

I sat down in the garden, staring at this little thimble, this tiny shield from those smallest injuries of life ... and suddenly I knew its value. PRICELESS.

No hurt is so small that God isn't aware .... that God isn't comforting .... that God doesn't love us through it.

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